
Edmonton Asbestos Testing

Asbestos is a serious issue

The word asbestos makes people nervous, and for good reason.

This naturally occurring mineral was widely used in building materials for many years because of its indestructibility, strength, and flexibility. It was used in building exteriors, flooring, ceilings, walls, mechanical service areas, structural elements, and other areas from counters to fireproofing to light fixtures.

Unfortunately asbestos is also extremely hazardous to people’s health, with minimal exposure levels potentially leading to lung diseases such as asbestosis and mesothelioma (cancer). This is because if it is inhaled it remains in the lungs where it can’t be cleared or absorbed and causes long term damage and lung disease.

So if asbestos is a potential hazard in your company’s workplaces or work tasks, you need to address the risk. SCS can help you do this through these five elements:

  1. safety education for your workers if they are involved in asbestos abatement activities;
  2. risk assessment of your worksites if you suspect the presence of asbestos containing materials;
  3. provision of asbestos management plans for worksites with confirmed asbestos containing materials present;
  4. preparation of a scope of work/specifications for abatement projects, including tendered projects; and
  5. abatement air monitoring and site inspections to ensure safety and compliance with government requirements during abatement procedures.

Safety Education For Edmonton Asbestos Workers

If your company performs asbestos abatement or handling of asbestos-containing material, your workers need safety training. SCS can provide that government-certified training in our facility or on site at yours.

The course is the ​Alberta Government-Certified Asbestos Worker Occupational Health and Safety course and is a 16 hour​ course taught over two days. It covers all required elements as per the Alberta government and includes videos and practical, hands-on demonstrations with participation from the students where they will show how to properly build a containment structure and perform a glove-bag abatement.

​For more information and to sign up for this course, click the button below.

Risk assessment of affected worksites/buildings

An initial step in dealing with asbestos is defining the level of hazard and risk you are encountering. A risk assessment helps accomplish this.

The SCS risk assessment is an evaluation of the degree of hazard associated with asbestos containing materials and is based on these factors:

  • ​accessibility,
  • condition,
  • friability,
  • contact with air currents,
  • activity level,
  • exposed surface area,
  • type of asbestos, and
  • percentage of asbestos content.

Sampling and analytical methodologies are carried out using either the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Method 9002 or the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 600/R-93/116 using polarized light microscopy (PLM) and dispersion techniques. Vermiculite samples are analyzed in accordance with Method EPA 600/R-04/004.

Based on the findings of sampling and on-site assessment during the asbestos testing process, SCS will then assist you to develop and implement appropriate and cost-effective control measures, which include options to remove, encapsulate, enclose, or manage the findings in place.

​Click the button below to e-mail about your asbestos concerns and discuss asbestos risk assessment options with our industrial hygiene division staff.

Asbestos Management Plans in Edmonton

For facilities where asbestos-containing materials need to be managed rather than removed, you can obtain an asbestos management plan from SCS.

Your asbestos management plan will focus on managing existing asbestos-containing materials in-place and will address the following:

  • ACM inventory, 
  • training requirements, 
  • inspection frequency,
  • emergency spill procedures, 
  • altered ACM condition procedures, 
  • notifications, and
  • labelling requirements.

To find out more about obtaining an asbestos management plan for your company, click the button below to e-mail and discuss your situation and specific needs.

Abatement scope of work/specification preparation

Should your project require abatement work, you may wish to formalize a scope of work either for your own company or as part of the tender process for prospective vendors.

​SCS can prepare a scope of work document that will outline the abatement procedures required to remove, encapsulate, or enclose your asbestos-containing materials. If the work is to be publicly tendered, then specifications will be developed based on the requisite Alberta Infrastructure template documents.

​​Click the button below to e-mail about working on a scope of work for your asbestos abatement project.

Edmonton Asbestos Abatement Air Monitoring And Site Inspections

Asbestos abatement procedures are necessarily complex to ensure protection of abatement workers and nearby populations, and to prevent contamination issues. Part of those procedures includes air monitoring and site inspections, which SCS can help your company perform.

SCS air monitoring and site inspection services for asbestos abatement projects will evaluate the control features used to contain asbestos fibres during abatement operations in accordance with the Alberta Asbestos Abatement Manual. In addition, air sampling and analysis activities will be carried out in accordance with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Method 7400 using the ‘A’ counting rules.

Click the button below to e-mail for help ensuring these air monitoring and site inspection tasks are completed correctly and to discuss the process.