
Services for testing, assessment, and management of other hazardous building materials

Other hazards to address

Besides the more common environmental hazards of asbestos and mould/fungal growth, there are other hazardous building materials that you may need to address. In particular, before any renovation of a building to protect construction workers, trained professionals can be used to help you evaluate other hazardous building materials, including the following:

  • lead-based surface coatings/paints,
  • polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in fluorescent light fixtures,
  • mercury building components in thermostats and light fixture bulbs,
  • radioactive building components in smoke and/or heat detectors,
  • ozone-depleting substances in refrigeration equipment,
  • miscellaneous chemicals in storage, and
  • biological contamination such as animal droppings, etc.

SCS can help your company with assessment, project planning, abatement monitoring and control measures for all these hazards.​

Assessments and findings

Assessments for these hazards are done room-by-room.

They include detailed notes with each sample including a room identifier, type of material and sample location. Digital photographs are also taken of each sampling location and of representative hazardous building materials.

Sampling will be performed to limit routine damage and disturbance to existing materials, but some repairs may be necessary such as to drywall, ceiling tiles, flooring and other exterior/interior finishes. Of course, we always attempt to sample in a way that will minimize any damages, and always in the most unobtrusive location as possible. Surface coatings and/or paint samples are also collected and submitted under chain of custody to an accredited laboratory for analysis.

Based on the findings of sampling and on-site assessment, SCS will assist you to develop and implement appropriate and cost-effective control measures, with options to remove, encapsulate, enclose, or manage the hazards. 

Click the button below to e-mail to find out more about these services and to discuss your needs with our industrial hygiene division staff.